CHARIS is a non-audition chorus created to be a safe place for people to sing together and enjoy one another’s company. We invite you to visit any Tuesday when we are in rehearsal and see what we are about. Please email to confirm we are in rehearsal before you come or to ask any questions you may have about the chorus.
Member Expectations
We have fun while working hard towards musical excellence. We are a performance group that produces concerts for the public and our friends and families, and we sell tickets for these concerts, so we owe our paying audiences the best performance we can give. To this end, we have these expectations of our members:
Be on time for rehearsals and after the break.
Keep chitchat to a minimum during rehearsal.
Give the director or your section leader a courtesy call or email if you will have to miss a rehearsal.
Attend all rehearsals unless missing is absolutely unavoidable.
After missing a rehearsal, get together with your section leader or buddy the next week before rehearsal for music updates such as note changes, dynamic notations, or changes to the program.
In addition to weekly rehearsals, use learning tapes and other aids such as sectional rehearsals to learn the music.
Of all the items listed above, the most important is rehearsal attendance.
If you know in advance that there is an aspect of these expectations that you cannot meet such as arriving late to rehearsals because of work or childcare issues or the need to miss multiple rehearsals, please don’t assume that you can’t sing with us. Discuss it with the director and let them evaluate your situation. We want to make every effort to accommodate our members and still maintain the quality of our performance.
Members who have missed a fourth rehearsal or individuals who would like to join the chorus after the third rehearsal should talk to the director to be certain that both are comfortable with the member’s ability to sing in the concert.
We have these expectations not to impose “rules” on our members, but to give ourselves the best opportunity possible to perform a great concert.

CHARIS is my safe place. When I need community, when I want to use my voice to speak out for social justice, and when I just want to feel the joy of singing, I go to CHARIS!
Sharon Spurlock, Alto II
Attendance Policy
CHARIS is dedicated to producing the best quality performances possible, and part of accomplishing this goal is holding well-organized, fruitful rehearsals every week. Rehearsals are held every Tuesday night from 7:00-9:15 pm at First Congregational Church (6501 Wydown Blvd, 63105).
The expectation of every singer in CHARIS is to attend all rehearsals, except in cases of illness or circumstances discussed with the Artistic Director at the start of the rehearsal process for a particular concert. While we understand everyone has a busy life and many commitments demanding their time, we must remain devoted to the interests of the chorus. As such, a strict attendance policy is in effect and is enforced by the Artistic Director and the Board of Directors.
Each singer is allowed 3 missed rehearsals during a concert period. Every section has a section leader who will take attendance weekly, and record any absences. After the fourth absence, the singer will be notified that she is no longer eligible to sing in the current concert. Cases of unexpected or extreme circumstances preventing attendance policy compliance must be discussed with the Artistic Director before any exceptions will be made.
Additionally, every singer is required to attend the technical rehearsal and the dress rehearsal during performance week. Any conflicts with these rehearsals must be brought to the attention of the Artistic Director at the beginning of the rehearsal period for that concert.
Finally, punctuality is extremely important. You are expected to be in your seat, ready to sing at 7:00 pm. Arriving late to rehearsal is disruptive and in order to be respectful of your fellow singers and the Artistic Director, please make every effort to arrive on time. By being on time, you ensure your voice is warmed up (helping to prevent vocal injury), and you make certain you do not miss important musical direction for any songs.
This policy is in place to help every singer of CHARIS feel proud of the quality of our performances and the music we create. We appreciate your help in meeting all the member expectations, including the attendance policy.
Concert Fees Policy
For a Single Concert
Fees for a single concert are $75.00 per person; due the rehearsal following the third open rehearsal, if being paid in full. A member can elect to pay the $75 fees in three installments. The first installment of $37.50 is due the rehearsal following the third open rehearsal.
For the Season
In the fall, a member can save $25 if they elect to pay their fees for the entire season (fall and spring concerts and Pride) at one time. $125 is due at the 4th rehearsal of the fall concert or the member can elect to pay $62.50 at the 4th rehearsal and $62.50 four weeks later.
All fees must be paid before the concert to be able to sing the concert. A minimum of the first installment of fees must be paid before music is taken home. All music remains the property of the chorus.
While we rely on our fees to defray some expenses and expect all members who are able to pay them, we never want to lose a member due to financial difficulty. We have a limited number of need-based scholarships, both full and partial, available. If a member is in need of temporary financial aid, they are strongly encouraged to speak to the president, vice-president or treasurer before quitting the chorus.