Mission. Vision. Values.
CHARIS is a diverse group of singers united in our mission to perform music that celebrates and encourages women and the LGBTQ+ community.
We see ourselves as an instrument of change in the St. Louis area, focused on promoting greater understanding and equality for women and the LGBTQ+ community.
We envision a future of organizational stability and financial sustainability for the chorus through:
Growth in...
The number and diversity of our singing members
The musical ability and performance level of the chorus
Our non-singing volunteer base
Our loyal audience members
Revenue from donations, sponsorships, and advertising
Greater visibility/awareness...
Within the LGBTQ+ community and the St. Louis community at large
By strengthening existing partnerships and developing new collaborations
By revitalizing our commitment to address women’s issues and matters of social justice and civil rights for the LGBTQ+ community
CHARIS is a family, a sisterhood that shares these values:
We are dedicated to the success of the chorus and the welfare of our members.
We are motivated to foster understanding through the messages we voice in song.
Laughter is part of every practice, concert, and social gathering.
Quick wit and good-natured joking are valued and get us through tough times.
We encourage members to reach their personal goals while pursuing the collective musical and performance objectives of the chorus.
We continue to challenge ourselves and are proud to meet those expectations.
This is a safe environment for all of our singers to connect through music and friendship.
Every voice is heard; our different talents and perspectives are appreciated.
Primarily a lesbian chorus, we welcome all who identify as women as well as non-binary people.
We are a non-audition chorus that supports each singer’s musical development.
We are unique individuals, but at our core, we are singers of character, courage, determination and strength.